Thursday, June 4, 2009


* Me - "Wiley, what do you want to play?"
Wiley - "I don't know what I'd like to play with you. Maybe something fun. Maybe a game, or balls, or a game, or soccer, or football, or basketball..."
(No wonder it takes forever to play.)

* "Mommy, I'm playing hockey- scos" (hopscotch)

* While playing grocery store, Wiley was the grocer and I was shopping. The time before, I had his Curious George doll with me pretending it was my baby. It wasn't with me this time so he asked where my baby was. I told him he was at home with his daddy.
Wiley said, "I'll go see him."
To which I replied, "You can't. You don't know where I live."
Wiley, "Where do you live?"
Me, "I'm not telling you. You're a stranger."
Wiley, "No. I'm the Piggly Wiggly guy!"

(For those of you who don't have them, Piggly Wiggly (or "Pig-a Willy" as Wiley says it) is the name of one of our local grocery stores.)