Sunday, July 12, 2009

"God, I want to be just like You, 'cause he wants to be just like me"

Here's a conversation between Shane and Wiley from the other day:
Shane: "Wiley what are you playing?"
Wiley: "I'm going to work."
Shane: "What kind of work do you do?"
Wiley: "I preach."
Shane: "Where do you preach?"
Wiley: "At Camp Wiwo Wun." (Camp Willow Run - see the post above)
Dear God,
As the Christian song says, please help Shane to be like you since our son so desperately wants to be like him. May we both model Christ for him in all we do and say. We pray no matter what "work" you will one day call Wiley to that he will glorify You and "preach" the truth of Your Word with his life. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes...


David and Katie Kizziah said...
